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Chapter 3


Policies and Protocols

A policy details what your client and employees can expect from you in terms of service or expectations. By agreeing to the service, and completing a registration document, the wording should indicate that the policies are automatically accepted.

Policies for a client includes; terms of service, proposed lesson content, learner expectations, sponsor responsibilities, cost content and extra fees

Policies for someone teaching for you may include; service requirements, behaviour standards and role requirements

General policies for the studio should include; health and safety, safeguarding, covid-19, first aid, fire safety.

A protocol is a document which provides a recommended approach to a specific problem or set of potential issues. This may include contact with clients, data management, non compliance from learners, music supply, exam and competition entries, toilet breaks for minors, refreshments in lesson, safeguarding issues and first aid requirements.

Risk assessments work with protocols and are designed to mitigate risks. Due consideration must be given to piano specific risks.

If participation in competitions and examinations includes a lift in the car or accompanying a minor on public transport policies, protocols and risk assessments are vital.

The insurance policy which is required for public liability includes the need for EDBS checks, safeguarding training, fire safety awareness and a first aid training certificate. Although not legally required, any professional training certification may be included with these requirements.

The Service

The service is given from first contact to end of contract. Every part of this connection will affect the clients opinion of that which is provided.

The lesson is one part of the service and requires advanced planning for the content covered each week, it cannot be ‘potluck’. A decision needs to be taken as to whether the session is educator led or client led. The latter still contains significant, if not greater, planning. The content of the lesson requires recording. If this is by video permission is needed in writing from all parties shown on the video or audio file and the storage method discussed. If this is by text and stored online permission is also required and access offered. Should you choose the traditional paper recording of the content then any reference to the client should be made available on request.  Any records should not mention the learner or clients name but should include an open reference to the client and use an ID number which is referenced in one place.

Once the lesson is completed a reflection and self analysis is beneficial to help the educator improve and learn from the service.

These records will provide evidence that the service was completed as stated in the policies and protocols and signed for by the client.

Chris Caton-Greasley LLCM(TD) MA (Mus)(Open)

Ethnographic Musicologist, Teacher, Researcher

Chris at the Piano

A part of Triquetrae Ltd

6-8 Melbourne Street | Stalybridge | Cheshire | SK15 2JE | UK

Tel 0161 303 9966

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