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Performance Level 1: Musette

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

The Musette is a dance that would be found in Baroque music of the 18th century. It is a piece of music and dance in the style of the 'musette de cour' , a form of bagpipe that in France as part of the Shepherd Fashion was very fashionable. There is a close relationship between a musette and a pastoral which is a style of shepherds song.

Rameau wrote several musettes for some stage works including operas and ballets. Couperin and others wrote Musette's for the harpsichord with an octave or fifth in the bass to resemble the sound of the bagpipe.

This example of the dance is a famous piece by Rameau Musette en Rondeu.

This level 1 version of this piece is the beginning of a Musette found in the Anna Magdalena Notebook. Anna was the second wife of J.S. Bach. This piece is a current grade 2 standard.

The version to be practised this week is slower and the notes have been doubled in duration.

Demonstration Video

After seven days it should sound like this.

Try and make a video performance for your records. Before you play stand near the piano and say

"The Musette is a dance that would be found in Baroque music of the 18th century. It is a piece of music and dance in the style of the 'musette de cour' , a form of bagpipe that in France as part of the Shepherd Fashion was very fashionable. There is a close relationship between a musette and a pastoral which is a style of shepherds song. This piece is based on a piece written for the second wife of J.S.Bach, a famous Baroque composer.
Thank you for listening. "

Now play your piece.

Chris Caton-Greasley LLCM(TD) MA (Mus)(Open)

Ethnographic Musicologist, Teacher, Researcher

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