The enforced change due to Covid-19 has allowed me to explore a side of teaching I have been contemplating for years but never had the 'need' to push towards action.
I don't just mean the online lesson, which is like the cherry on the cake.
The navigation of poor connection and un-beneficial angles with parents who don't quite understand why has been circumnavigated with support videos.
The need for online, secure and accountable reporting for parents has been achieved satisfactorily.
The requirement to prepare resources to be used on Kindle or the like has been aided by Canva and Tiny Cards instead of just retrieving library resources has pushed for creative solutions.
An analysis of the the time comparison of composing exercises as opposed to googling a PDF and spending many hours looking for the right one was quite interesting, and my students like the new exercises and small pieces.
I do believe this enforced change has resulted in a significant improvement on my whole teaching from planning and execution to reporting and analysis.
Now I am looking further afield from my comfort zone supported by an article I read in the Guardian last night (link).
This week that more changes will be explored before we are back to face to face lessons.