The origins of this rhyme are unknown. The name refers to a type of porridge made from peas.
The children's song today is known as 'Pease Pudding'. Pease is in Middle English as pease pottage. "Pease" was a mass noun, similar to "oatmeal", and the singular "pea" and plural "peas".
The earliest recorded version of Pease Porridge Hot is a riddle found in John Newbery's Mother Goose's Melody (c. 1760)
Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot, Nine days old.
Some like it hot, Some like it cold,
Pease porridge in the pot, Nine days old.
This is a recipe for Pease Pottage by Robert May who was a chef in England and France.
Pease Pottage.
Take green pease being shelled and cleansed, put them in a pipkin of fair boiling water; when they be boil’d and tender, take and strain some of them, and thicken the rest, put to them a bundle of sweet herbs, or sweet herbs chopped, salt, and butter; being through boil’d dish them, and serve them in a deep clean dish with salt and sippets about them.
Robert May, The Accomplisht Cook, 1660
An image of the front page of the cookbook can be seen on this link
A modern recipe can be found on BBC Good Food on this link and this link contains some interesting information and images.
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