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What strategies would you employ for rekindling enthusiasm
in a pupil whose interest in lessons is starting to wane?


by Christine Caton-Greasley

Submitted for the Associate Teaching Diploma of the London College of Music


Word count 4,000

This paper has been submitted for an Associate Diploma with the LCME.

The entire work has been prepared by the author and is my own work.


[1] The strategies I employ for rekindling enthusiasm in a pupil whose interest in lessons is starting to wane can be summarised in the development of intrinsic motivation through the use of extrinsic motivational stimuli. 

[2] Intrinsic motivation is the stimulus that causes you to complete an action because the benefit to you in the long term outweighs the immediate preference not to complete the task. In life the simplest version is to exercise or not, in some time the results, and therefore the quantity of intrinsic motivation applied to the decision is obvious for all to see. The same observation may be applied to music however the evidence of a successful intrinsic motivation is audible rather than visual. A learner who has not sought motivation by taking action themselves, or being encouraged by individuals in the family support network to complete the practice may lack the extrinsic motivational factors to wish to continue playing the instrument. Without sufficient intrinsic motivation or external motivational factors, the learner may eventually cease lessons. This lack of interest can occur when they are practising one piece which does not hold sufficient challenge or offers too much presents too many requirements and therefore a teacher needs to be alert, ready to apply actions to prevent exacerbation of the problem.




1. Introduction & Chapter 1

4 minute read

2. Chapter 2 & 3

4 minute read

3. Chapter 4 & 5

12 minute read

4. Chapter 6 & 7

12 minute read


Chris Caton-Greasley LLCM(TD) MA (Mus)(Open)

Ethnographic Musicologist, Teacher, Researcher

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